Here are some pictures of what I get to experience every day, along with some stories and explanations. Thank you all for your continuing support, both through prayer, and those of you who so graciously have supported me and my team financially. You do not know how much it encourages me to know that some of you are praying for me daily... thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Here is a view outside the front of my apartment during the day

This is a picture from Gaidai University, one of three Universities my team is spreading the good news to

The girl with the red bag. So, earlier that day, my co-team leader said that during his devotions, he just got in his head an image of a girl with a red bag, and with much hesitation he shared this with me, advising me to take it for what it was. Well, I honestly am very apprehensive about those sort of things, and settled in my mind to think nothing of it. Well, later that day, the only spiritual conversation I had was with this lovely student, who happened to have a red bag. God has a since of humor, and a way of showing his handiwork. Take it for what it is, merely evidence of God's hands at work while we are here =)

This is a fun one, here is a picture of me at Gaidai University at the same place I took a picture the last time I was here. It seriously has been amazing seeing all of these places again, I honestly did not think I would ever return here... but it is both humbling and encouraging to see how God has brought me back here, to beautiful Japan once again. I wonder what He is doing with me =)

This is a cute coffee shop called Poem Coffee. All the strores here are named something cute. Another one of my favorite coffee places is called Precious Coffee Moments. Seriously, does it get better???

I think I have shared with many of you how interesting the toilets are here. In most places you can either go squatty-potty style, or test out one of these, if you find yourself so brave. I have not... haha, but the opportunities contine to present themselves. Perhaps one of these times, I will adjust the pressure and the temperature, play the music and experience the whole pannel of buttons available to me. Until then... here is a picture...

Some TALL bamboo at ICU university, one of the universities we minister to

MITAKA!! This is the view from the little portion of Tokyo I 'lived' at while I was here in Japan amost two years ago. It is so beautiful, and so good to be back.

I honestly love the food here, and I have yet to miss anything American. Yeah, thats a raw egg, and no, I dont really know what the rest of it is... but it was delicious, or oishi, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

Here is another picture of me at ICU. It has been raining the last week here... and I really love it!!

On Saturday, most of our team took a trip to a different part of Tokyo to see the Imperial Palace (we could not go inside, but here is a view of part of the outside...)

One of my teammates Kimi and I having fun in front of some fountains

A little later that day, we traveled to Asakasa, and four of us found ourselves in a charming traditional Japanese restaurant where you sit on little cushions on the ground. Its quite lovely, for about 10minutes, until your legs fall asleep... hmmmm

We all still enjoyed the experience!! Left to right: Matt, my co-team leader, Me, Kimi and Traci

This is what I ordered... sorry for the bad picture, but it had Shrimp, crab, egg, noodles, either mushroom or some kind of strange fish, and a lot of other random things I had no way to identify. Yum, food and an adventure all at the same time.

After eating we went over to the Asakasa Temple, a famous temple where many people still go to worship today. Here are some people brushing smoke on themselves. They are trying to bless themselves.

Here is a picture of everyone walking up to the temple. It was so sad. When I walked up the steps and into the temple, I broke down in tears, and had to run out of it. I cannot explain to you, and with tears approching me even now I am weighted with the realization of seeing people flood up steps to worship satan. They are so lost, and they don't even know. I don't know if you have ever experienced it, but seeing people worshiping idols, worshiping evil, seeing people so deceived... it completely broke my heart. Please, take a moment, and sob if you must for those who are slaves, who know not the creator for whom they long to worship, who are blinded, who are being led towards death. Victory is Mine, declares the Lord.... but the god of this world is stealing, killing and destroying...
A few of my teammates had similar experiences in the temple... its hard to see people worshiping blindly what they do not know is leading them towards death
Japan is such a dark country spiritually... less than 2% Christian. The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few. How about it.... ever think about serving your Creator in Japan... is pretty stinking awesome here.... =)
Okay... so here are a few more interesting day-to-day things here...

One downer...the fruit here can be rediculously expensive... $40.00 for a cantelope anyone?? Haha!! Seriously...

This is lovely Koenji, the portion of Tokyo my team is living in this summer. If you go through the arch on the right, take a left at the 7-11 and a right at the small market, you will find my apartment building =)
I love it.
Well, thats about all for now. I will be posting more pictures on Facebook. I love love comments, let me know when you are praying for me and this country. Please pray for the staff here... they are working so hard, and are so few. Pray that God would break your heart for this country and move you here. Scared? Yeah...
God may not move you here, which is completely okay, God always knows best.... but keep in mind...He also just might. Be open to the possibility, but also realize the precious value of your prayers from wherever you are serving. We serve a God who does not need you or I to accomplish His will. He has ordained what will happen for every moment of every day. It is our joy and honor to be ambassadors of such a great King. And speaking from somone who was scared to come...
Trust God.
Hi Emily - My daughter's going to be going to Tokyo next month on summer project, so I thought I would check out your blog to see what's happening over there.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted you to know I'm praying for your team every day.
: )
Crusade Mom