Friday, February 6, 2009


For the last few months I have been trying to get to know my Indian neighbors that live downstairs. I have been over to their house a few times, but would like to build a more substantial relationship where I could eventually share the gospel with them. My heart is burdened for them, and I feel a special love radiating from my heart for Sujetha, the wife of the family.
Sujetha seems to be no more than 27 years old, and possesses a sweet and quiet spirit. She seems shy, yet open to my visits. I am not sure quite how to take the next step, and become closer to her, but I feel an urge in my heart that I must do something. I was going to do something today, but let the day slip away from me, and do not wish to interrupt them during dinner time. I am going to try to go over tomorrow in the late morning.
I would like to offer to help her with her English in exchange for some cooking lessons, but I am not sure if she would be up for that. I am also hoping to invite them for dinner at some point soon, to get to know their whole family.
I feel a strange burden and responsibility for these people. I love them. Its very strange, but a smile creeps across my heart at the prospect of what could arise from this peculiar friendship.

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