Saturday, February 7, 2009

Answered Prayers

I have been praying a lot for my neighbors that live below me. They are a young family from India, with two little girls. I have been over to their apartment a few times with flowers and various little gifts. I have been praying specifically lately that our relationship would move beyond my occasional visits and into a friendship through which I could eventually share the gospel. My short term hope was to be able to sit down and have dinner with them, either at our apartment or theirs. Usually when you have a meal with someone walls are torn down and friendships are deepened. This has been my prayer.

Earlier today, my roommate Sandi and I went down to their apartment to ask where a good Indian restaurant was, hoping to open some sort of door for a meal together. In the middle of our conversation, as I mentioned my love for Indian food, the husband said that we would have to come over for a meal some time. My heart jumped with excitement!!

I love this family to the point of tears, and am willing to do anything that they might find the joy and freedom of Jesus Christ. I would be delighted and honored if you would keep them and our relationship in your prayers. I am hoping to invite them over for an American meal, and cannot wait until they invite us over for a meal at their home.

God is so good!

Also, our neighbor who lives next to us is a single man in his 30s who we have had little luck getting to know, as his work schedule is fairly intense. Today he came over to us and asked if we could feed his cat next weekend. We were so excited to get to have some conversation with him, and were able to share where we went to school and our plans for the future. He seemed very open to us and was friendly and welcoming. We are hoping to connect him with some guys from church as he dosen't have any friends here yet =) I have had no clue how to even begin to get to know him, yet God just brought him to us.

Bethany and I prayed a lot last semester that we would be able to make an impact in our neighbors lives... and now our prayers are showing fruit!!!

Thank you God for allowing us to serve our neighbors and learn to love them!

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