Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dancing With the Holy Spirit- By Bethany Reinbolt

Today I was just kind of having one of those days. I felt like a complete failure, a hopeless sinner, and that God was just putting up with me...

While I was sitting at home pondering all of these things, my roommates walked in from their shopping excursion and Bethany mentioned a note that she wrote on facebook. I logged in, checked it out, and after reading it began to cry. This note ministered to my heart in such an encouraging way that I thought I should share it with all of you. I hope you are encouraged =)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Bethany Reinbolt

Last night I was sitting on the top bunk getting ready to lay my head down for the night when from outside of my window I heard the click-click-click of high heels, a few familiar voices, and the giggles of my roomates. I thought to myself, I can either be diligent and go to bed now so that I can wake up early, or I can go outside and have some fun with my friends. It took me about two seconds to climb down the shaky ladder of my bunk bed and grab my snowmobile jacket from the hallway closet on the way out the door.

We danced for a while in our neighbor’s parking space, listening to the music flowing out of Lor’s tape playing Volvo (yes friends, she is cool enough to still have a tape player in her vechile). But soon enough the security guard informed us that we were not allowed to be doing that, so we headed over to the Von’s parking lot (I never thought I would be one of those people who hangs out in a parking lot on Friday night!).

Now that we had space to move, we could dance our little hearts out, and this is where my story begins. Prior to last night the only waltzing experience that I had was the dances at camp (and let’s just say that dancing with high-school boys is not the best way to learn a formal dance); so one of my brothers, who is an expert student of dance showed me the proper way.

He informed me that the man is the one who does the dance, the girl just follows. He said that I am supposed to lean back against his arm, and hold his hand firmly. I tried so hard to follow his foot pattern, but I kept getting ahead of him or swaying a little bit too far to the sides. He said, “Bethany, just follow, let me do the work.” My response was a disheartened, “How do you follow?”

He replied, “Close your eyes and listen to my body” (That sounds kinda sketch, but, it will be so cool that he said that once you make the connection). I closed my eyes and he led me around the Von’s parking lot. All I had to do was be aware of where he was going and the steps that he was taking, and I would automatically go the right way- even with my eyes closed. I didn’t even have to try- I just had to stay on my feet and be willing to move.

I am pretty sure that walking in step with the Holy Spirit is the same thing. Just close your eyes*, feel where He is leading, and let Him do the work. As long as I am willing to dance, it will become something beautiful. (By the way, in dancing, you are going to take a few wrong steps. You may even fall, but He is there to pull you up by the hand, brush the dirt off of you, and lead you in a dance once again).

I just like the thought that all I have to do is lean back God’s arms, hold tight to his hand, and follow His lead.

*Closed eyes-2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Sometimes sight gets in the way and we think that we have it all figured out because we can see what is going on, but in reality, we have to just trust the Holy Spirit and be confident that He will lead us in the most beautiful dance ever.

this note can also be accessed on our roomate blog at

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