Monday, February 23, 2009


On Saturday, Bethany, Brittany, Kyle and I decided to go camping. We drove down to the beach and found a place where we could park our car while we explored the hills and found somewhere to spend the night. It was a beautiful day, and we were full of optimism as we started our hike.

The weather was supposed be clear, and so each person only brought a sleeping bag, mat, food and water. As we began to hike though, little raindrops dashed our hopes of good weather for the night. Fortunately the rain never turned into anything more than occasional showers throughout the night, which happened excellent and delightful treat for all of us.

As we arrived at our decided sleeping location, a little meadow on the side of a hill, we set up camp for the evening and proceeded to talk well into the night. We all laid in our sleeping bags to stay dry, and played word games, told stories and laughed. It was simply delightful.

As the evening grew late, we were joined by the sound of howling coyotes, and while I was a bit aprehensive about being in an open field without any form of protection, I knew that the worst that could happen was a few of the brave curious ones sneaking up to smell us. They are really rather skiddish and would be afraid of four people.

All throughout the night I heard them walking around us, it was kind of cool. I was not able to sleep though becuase I was BOILING HOT in my bag, and unzipping it only proved to be an open invitation to the billions of mosquitoes that seemed to loooove me (I have bites on my face, arms, back, shoulders and toes to prove it.)

As morning finally came, we packed up and after exploring our surroundings for a while, found about 6 little areas of matted down grass where our howling friends spent some time laying down and sleeping. The little 'beds' were about 15 yards away from us, and it seems like they all faced us, curious about who was invading their hillside.

As we made our way back down to our car, we checked out a little cave, and played games as we hiked down the trail. At one point we all pretended to make up a language, speaking jibberish loudly to eachother. It was absolutly hillareous when two ladies passed us and we made them take a picture of us, communicating to them only in jibberish!! We were all laughing so hard we cried as poor kyle, stumbling to make up a name of a country to say where we were from blurted out, "Wisconson" in a weird accent.

Overall it was a great trip filled with lots of funny moments

1 comment:

  1. i thought this was so awesome...i read it to micah and alina...thanks for sharing...


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