Monday, February 2, 2009

Ordinary Moments

I have decided to entitle this blog 'ordinary moments', because thats what life seems to be all about. Every day we live through moment after moment that we often find to be nothing but ordinary, normal, uneventful or even boring. Yet, it is in these every day, ordinary moments that God is weaves lessons and wisdom into our hearts that, once completed, begin to change our lives. I have often found that life changing moments are carried to me through many months of what i thought to be ordinary moments.

I would love if you would journey with me through the seemingly ordinary moments of life. For even on the most mundane days, God is working something in our hearts that one day will accomplish his will. Its a beautiful reality that rests in the every day moments we so casually acknowledge to be ordinary.

1 comment:

  1. i will gladly follow your ordinary ya...


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