Bethany and I have hopefully found our woman of peace in our community of Indian neighbors. Her name is Laurenja. I posted a picture of her in my last post... she is the one wearing the beautiful blue sari.
Anyway...yesterday, Bethany, Kyle and I (our little 'church') went for a visit to her house. She invited us in and graciously offered us water, Indian cookies, crackers, the best tea you have EVER had (even kyle liked it... that's saying a lot) and a spicy cooked dish of noodles, nuts, peppers, along with their version of milk (liquid, sour yogurt). It was all very delicious (the 'milk' was a bit sketchy at first glance, but prayers were silently uttered and Kyle and I found that it was actually quiet good as long as you took small sips... Bethy couldn't quite get there though ahha)
It was such an awesome visit becuase Laurenja had one of her other indian friends, Madre (wearing the green in my last post) over, and they were both really excited to talk to us. Laurenja even called her husband to come home early from work to come talk with us. They showered us with questions and we had such a great time telling stories from travelling to remenicing about the special foods we each enjoy.
By the time we had left we promised to meet again, and Laurenja and her husband asked us not to worry about bringing them gifts (we brought flowers) because they did not want us to feel like we had to spend our money on them, they wanted instead to bless us if we ever needed food or anything!!
Please keep praying!! Pray that we would be humble, and that they would be open.
Also, the opportunity for me to go to Japan for 6 weeks this summer has just opened up... I love Japan with so much of my heart and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go... but, I also dont want to leave the ministry I have here...
Bethy and I are really just starting to love these people as friends, and even if we dont get to share the gospel with them, we are praying that the love we show them would be a seed that maybe somone else will water.
love you all
em (and bethy& kyle)
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