Wednesday, March 25, 2009
5 Things
2. God is Faithful
3. I will BOAST in my weakness
4. I am no longer a debtor to my flesh(ly desires/sin)
5. Future Glory
These five truths are transforming my life
ps. Habakkuk... is.... AWESOME. Read it.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just Beachy
Here are some pictures =)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Before the Throne of God Above
Sometimes I forget the truth about who I am. I look on myself and forget that I am no longer a debtor to my flesh. I forget that I am purchased with blood. I forget that I am bound for glory, bound to my savor and bound to hope.
I came across this hymn today, and the words hold such comforting truths. As you read this, read it slowly... let each truth this hymn speaks of refresh your heart.
Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea.
A great high Priest whose Name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart.
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.
When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.
Behold Him there the risen Lamb,
My perfect spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I AM,
King of glory and of grace,
One in Himself I cannot die.
My soul is purchased by His blood,
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ my Savior and my God!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The reason it's worth it is the confidence we have that something is coming that will make our sufferings look like nothing, for the utter majesty of its jubilant GLORIOUS reality....
it is something we groan for
it is something all of creation groans for
we wait eagerly
for the earth to be swallowed up in glory
for the reign of our king
our faithful king
who has promised to return to us
who has given us his spirit as a guarantee
a spirit by whom we cry, "ABBA! FATHER!"
a spirit by whom we are sealed for adoption.
the reality of what is to come
this is why we endure hardship
and this is our hope
a confident, joyous anticipation of the most delightful.
1. The cross is behind me, everything I could ever have done to attain a right standing before God is DONE.
2. My God is faithful. This is insane. Really. *more posts on this to come...
3. Boasting in my Weakness
4. Future glory
5. The AMAZING people God has surrounded me with here.
Haha, sometimes I am just sitting doing homework, and I get distracted by joy. I don't know if you have ever experienced that... but its just so neat (understatement...of the year)
Also, God is answering some prayers right now in an insane way!
We have been praying with one of my friends (Kyle, who I mentioned before...) that his parents would be able to support his desire to serve God overseas in a tribal setting (they were not too thrilled with the idea at first) but... God works miracles and he got a call the other day that they were totally behind him!!!
Bethany and I are learning heaps about communication, as stressful school situations and life in general has created in both of us lots of selfishness and well... we were just both getting on each others nerves... something that has never happened before... haha. The awesome thing is that we were able to talk through everything as it happened, and are both learning an insane amount about Godly friendships, communication and selflessness (haha... hmmm, think God is preparing us for We both love eachother too much to let ourselves get in the way of friendship, and its cool to see a different side of love come out in both of us. God also allowed us to have a fabulous time together at the beach yesterday, filled with lots of laughter. It was awesome!!!
Anyway, its just been such a hard-but-worth-it delight to see the fruit of God's hands working in out hearts. It keeps us on our knees a ton, but, we also are experiencing amazing joy.
Dont be afraid of hard times.... don't freak out thinking it is something strange that 'if you only fixed this one thing, made new friends...etc' happens. Chances are its going to be harder than you ever though, but worth it more than you will ever see (and i am not just talking about petty little friendship problems... I am talking about the hard stuff.... the stuff that makes you cringe to think about... that stuff... that's usually the stuff God uses. )
Romans 8:15-17
Support Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
I am so excited!! This summer I have been accepted to travel with Campus Crusade for Christ to Japan for 6 weeks to help spread the gospel among Japanese university students! There is a HUGE need for the gospel to penetrate Japan as the country is only slightly more than 1% Christian. Most of the students I will be reaching out to have never heard the name of Jesus or the beautiful news of what He has done for them. The average Japanese student does not have many opportunities to hear the gospel, and it has been found that a student there typically needs to hear the gospel over 7 times before they accept Christ. If you do the math, it is obvious that there is a huge need for people who are willing to share the gospel in Japan.
Two years ago, I spent 3 weeks in Tokyo, Japan and fell in love with the Japanese people. Nothing makes my heart smile like the memories and anticipation of loving these people that have become precious to my heart. The thought of having to live my life without the truths of God brings overwhelming agony, yet for most Japanese, this reality is all they know. God has entrusted the most precious truths of Himself to me, and it is my duty and privilege to be a carrier of the good news to those who are searching for truth.
During my stay in Japan, I will be spending time daily on different Universities, reaching out to students through intentional friendships with the hopes of sharing the gospel. We will be partnering with the local campus crusade staff with the intention of providing adequate long-term follow up and discipleship for the students who indicate a desire to learn more about Christ. Most of my days will be filled with learning the culture, reaching out to students, building friendships and sharing the gospel. The goal of the trip is to be obedient to whatever opportunity God gives us to share the gospel, and to make an impact for the Kingdom of God in whatever way we can.
I am extremely excited about this opportunity, yet I realize that I cannot do it alone. Not only will I be needed the support of my teammates going with me, but I will also need the support of my ‘family’ here through prayer and if possible financial gifts. I need to raise $5,500.00 by May in order to make this trip happen (sitting here right now, that number seems huge… but I am confident that if God wants me to go, he will provide)
I would be delighted if you would partner with me financially, but please realize that your prayers are equally, if not more important to me, as I will be engaging in a battle for souls. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, “In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Please pray with confidence that God would remove the veil the devil has put over their eyes; that when the truth is presented, their hearts would be able to accept it. Please also pray against attacks from the ‘god of this world’ who will not be willing to let go of these lovely people.
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”Romans 10:14-15
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ordinary Day
Nothing amazing happened, I slept in too late, and got little done. Its weird how the last few weeks have been such a rush of emotional closeness with God, and yet today, I feel strangely apathetic towards life.
I have been praying a lot about an opportunity I have to go to Japan. The debate is between staying here and continuing to minister to the Indian families, or.... go to Japan for an intense 6 week missions trip reaching out to Japanese College Students.
I have to be honest, I am a bit afraid. I have [literally] traveled the world, and while the traveling, culture, food or country is not what worries me, I worry some times about loneliness... and having to do things [particularly spiritual things... like ministry] on my own. It just seems completely overwhelming at the moment... and I am not sure why.
Maybe its just spiritual opposition. I seem to get this way before I travel (well the last 3 times anyway... haha... see a pattern..)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Good News
2 Corinthians 5:1-6
Our Heavenly Dwelling
1For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God,2For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, 3if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked. 4For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.6So we are always of good courage..
I have always just skimmed over this passage, giving it a mere nod of agreement without fully understanding the beautiful truth it is conveying. In this passage, Paul (after speaking about suffering in the earlier parts of the book) gives us the picture of our hope and comfort, which he has promised in the midst of suffering.
Our Hope is this:
A confident expectation of the future: a time when we will no longer groan in our fallen world, but a time when all of creation will be 'swallowed up by life,' redeemed to be in a perfect state, a lovely glorification that will be perfection.
Our groaning however is not to be unclothed, but further clothed. Know that not that every single aspect of humanity is going to be destroyed, for we bear the image and proclaim the glory of God, even in our fallen state. We groan rather that we would be 'brought up' from this 'level of imperfection' to a place where the glory of God cleans and perfects every aspect of this life into something magnificent, something so far and lovely that it cannot be defined by words.
This anticipation is often tainted however by a common idea that heaven will be a far-off mystical place where nothing familiar exists. The beauty of our anticipation however is that our hope lays in the redemption of this earth as it is going to be a perfect and glorified version of what we know here. As one of my professors said, God is going to undo what Adam did... restoring creation to what He deems "good." (Gen 1)
In chapter 4 of II Corinthians, Paul talks about our anticipation for this in light of the resurrection of Christ. As we have died with Christ, and know full well the wonders of the cross, the joy and the glory comes in the resurrection, a glorification after the defeat of death. Just as Jesus was raised from the dead, we can in confidence (as guaranteed by the Spirit within us) that we will be raised into his presence (II Corinthians 5:5).
It is this future glory that we find our comfort. This is why we do not lose heart!
We do not endure and enjoy suffering for the sake of suffering alone, but just as Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him, we likewise endure suffering for the joy of the future glory that we have yet to experience. Keep your eyes on the delight that is coming, and know that the pain you endure here is meant to not only strengthen you, but increase your anticipation for glory! As your groaning increases, let your joy likewise increase for the day when your groaning will come to an end, and the delightful glory of the new earth and new heaven will swallow up all that is here.
Take comfort... we have hope, we have good news =) Groan with hope then, and find this hope to be your comfort in the midst of your groaning.
Woman of Peace
Bethany and I have hopefully found our woman of peace in our community of Indian neighbors. Her name is Laurenja. I posted a picture of her in my last post... she is the one wearing the beautiful blue sari.
Anyway...yesterday, Bethany, Kyle and I (our little 'church') went for a visit to her house. She invited us in and graciously offered us water, Indian cookies, crackers, the best tea you have EVER had (even kyle liked it... that's saying a lot) and a spicy cooked dish of noodles, nuts, peppers, along with their version of milk (liquid, sour yogurt). It was all very delicious (the 'milk' was a bit sketchy at first glance, but prayers were silently uttered and Kyle and I found that it was actually quiet good as long as you took small sips... Bethy couldn't quite get there though ahha)
It was such an awesome visit becuase Laurenja had one of her other indian friends, Madre (wearing the green in my last post) over, and they were both really excited to talk to us. Laurenja even called her husband to come home early from work to come talk with us. They showered us with questions and we had such a great time telling stories from travelling to remenicing about the special foods we each enjoy.
By the time we had left we promised to meet again, and Laurenja and her husband asked us not to worry about bringing them gifts (we brought flowers) because they did not want us to feel like we had to spend our money on them, they wanted instead to bless us if we ever needed food or anything!!
Please keep praying!! Pray that we would be humble, and that they would be open.
Also, the opportunity for me to go to Japan for 6 weeks this summer has just opened up... I love Japan with so much of my heart and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go... but, I also dont want to leave the ministry I have here...
Bethy and I are really just starting to love these people as friends, and even if we dont get to share the gospel with them, we are praying that the love we show them would be a seed that maybe somone else will water.
love you all
em (and bethy& kyle)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Over the last semester, and especially the last few weeks, Bethany and I have been really praying for our neighbors. All last semester we were not sure how to reach our neighbors, and unsuccessfully attempted many times to get to know them. As the semester passed however God brought an Indian family to us. They moved in below and to the left of our apartment.
I was so excited!! They seemed very shy and hesitant, mostly due to the language barrier, but a relationship began to grow between us. I am sure you have read some of my other posts about Sujetha, little Roshni and Joslenda. What you probably don't know is that, as we have been learning to pray these last few weeks, our prayers have become bold in asking God for a deep relationship with them, in hopes that we might reach the ever-growing Indian community in our neighborhood.
Last week, Beth and I went downstairs to invite Sujetha and her family (her husband, mother and father-in-law included) over to dinner some time. We were having a hard time understanding eachother, but learned that Roshni was turning 4 that Saturday. That night we pleaded with God to get us into that party because we knew that all of their Indian friends would be there.
The next morning Nagesh and his father-in-law waved Bethany down as she was about to drive off to work. They said, "Our daughter is having a birthday party today, you must come at 5!!!"
How is that for a direct answer to prayer!!!
Beth had to work till 7, but I was able to go over at five, and got to spend hours 'talking' with the women that came over, playing with the kids, and taking pictures with everyone! The door to the hearts of our beautiful Indian community started to open that night. Here are some of the pictures....
And this is Sujetha. Sujetha has a special place in our hearts. She has a very gently shy, yet radient soul. Her physical beauty is captivating, and there is a loveliness about her that is absolutly charming. Sujetha has been the object of many tear-filled prayers. I love her with a strange passion, and desire more than anything to bring the good news of Jesus our King to her. I beg of you to plead with God for her soul. She is very reserved, but has been appreciating our attemts at friendship much more than we thought (we learned this through Lavanya) but feels bad because she cannot speak english. Please pray that our visits would be stress free for her, and that she would be able to open up to us, despite the language barrier.
I will let you know though that Bethy and I went over to Lavenya's house and spent a wonderful couple of hours with her, establishing a friendship that will hopefully one day carry the gospel.
Pray that God would continue to give us the grace to pray.
~em (and bethany)