Friday, April 24, 2009

It's been awhile

Hey everyone, sorry its been a little while since my last post... life gets busy some times =)

Here is a little Japan update:
I have raised a total of 2400, so I am about half-way there! Thank you everyone who has committed to supporting me financially or through prayer, I truly appreciate it!

School here is about to give its last kick before it goes to sleep for the summer, and I am ready to have a break! Although this semester has been, by far, a time when I have learned more than ever about God, my brain is reaching its capacity, and I cant wait to spend some time outside of books learning about my creator.

I am getting more excited about Japan, still feeling a bit torn with leaving all my wonderful Indian neighbors here... but I am going to be faithful and obedient to what God is wanting me to do.

If you could be praying, a few of my closest friends here are either going to be moving this summer or are considering it.... and while they will be serving God in their obedience to move... it makes me sad to see them go. Please pray that God would provide for them, and keep providing friendships for me =)

I know it sounds kind of selfish to pray for friendships, but I am learning how much I need them, and how God uses them to carry out his will in my life. Either way, God is faithful.


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