Hey everyone, sorry its been sooo long since my last blog post! We have been super busy here in Japan, and sometimes with all activity going on, its hard for me to process through things enough to blog. I will do my best though to update you on the last week or so...
The week before this last one was challenge week. We had to get up an hour earlier and stay on campus an hour longer. To be honest, it was exhausting and a really hard week for me. I was able to have some great conversations... but overall I felt tired and worn out mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
I will try to write more on that week, but its hard to remember too many details at the moment... sorry! The week did end well though with our Discover Friends Party.
The party was planned so that we would have a fun atmosphere to invite students to as we ate together, played some games and presented the gospel. I was the Emcee... which went great (for the most part... there was a slight hang up when I announced we were all going to dance, when really a dance team had prepared something for everyone to watch... oh communication through a language barrier... fun stuff...)
This week seemed to hold the promise of a bit more sleep, and shorter, easier days on campus. While the week started out pretty well, by the end I was completely done emotionally, physically and spiritually. I has been a great week through, and many fun events took place.
On Wednesday night, our whole team went out to dinner, and then did Karaoke... which was a blast! Thursday night I got to go out with one of my teammates, and a girl she has been reaching out to. We went to Shijuku for food and shopping... =)
Friday night was... awesome as well. The guys on our team planned a creative date, which included a mysterious invitation with flowers and chocolate, an evening of delicious food (which they made), poems, skits and more... all provided in love from our dear brothers. It was so sweet!!!
That brings us to yesterday... and insane... not-so-restful-rest-day. Haha... okay, so Saturday is supposed be our rest day, but usually we end up going somewhere fun, and spend the whole day doing things. Yesterday was no exception, as our whole team went to Tokyo Disney Sea. It was a very loooooong day (we met to leave at 7am... and did not arrive home until after midnight). Needless to say, I took a few naps during the day... usually while we were waiting in line for a ride. One line, that lasted about an hour and a half, provided me with the oppoturnity to learn how to sleep standing up, and walk every5 or so minutes. I am pretty sure I don't remember much of that line... haha.
Anyways, today is Sunday, and in about 30 min we will be leaving for church. I am excited to go, and am praying that it will be a good re-charge time for me. My heart feels completely spent, and I feel like I have been wrestling through a lot of things that...well... I am tired of wrestling through. Even yesterday, I found myself unable to just relax and enjoy the day becuase I have been trying to find out different things about my relationship with God. I know that my relationship with Him maybe shouln't be stressful, but, it has been and is... and I am tired and looking forward to just spending some time resting at church during worship and the sermon.
As we enter our last week here in Japan, I ask that you please lift up my team. We are going to have to push hard to hand off relationships to staff, and share the gospel as much as we can these last few days we have on campus. Pray for the leaders, that we would not feel burnt out, and that we would feel full of excitement and joy.
Thank you so much, and I will try to post some more pictures and stories soon!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
It is such a beautiful day here in Koeni! I went out this morning to grab some breakfast and was greeted by blue, clear, sunny skies and the promise of a warm and lovely day. It has been raining almost every day here, which has been fun and beautiful, in its own way... but its a delightful change... and I am looking forward to being outside a bit today =)
Last night, after blogging, I had a wonderful time of prayer and reflection. It is amazing to me, because when I started to pray, I found amazing peace in my heart, and a curious absence of everything that has been making me anxious these last few weeks. It was beautiful. I am realizing the preciousness of God's love. Though I felt like the last few weeks were difficult, God's love proved stronger, more beautiful and faithful than even my greatest moments of hardship. I cannot believe how much He loves me. I remember praying a few nights ago, in the shower (great place for prayer... haha) asking God to please open my eyes to His love...
Sometimes when I think of God, the picture that comes into my heart is of a God who is big, strong, all powerful... and somewhat frightening. While those qualities can prove comforting, it is only through the realization that this God, more powerful than all else, loves me with a love as great as His power. I forget that.... a lot, but God is faithful to remind me, that I am loved... and precious. And, that quiets my heart, fills me with thankfulness, and makes me smile.
I am so thrilled to be sharing this love with students in Japan... most of whom do not even know this kind of love exists, aside from their dissapointment in relationships and life...and yet even in that, while they may desire or hope for something more... they do not know where to turn. But, God being so great and loving, has tenderly brought a group of students to them, just to let them know.
How great is our God.
Here are some pictures from the day my campus team went to ICU High School. This day turned out to be such a great blessing and I was encouraged beyond words at the responses of some of the students. I posted a more detailed blog a few days ago with more detailed stories.. but here are some pictures for those of you who have already read them.
Here are some of my teammates leading discussion groups during an english lunch we promoted. This is an opportunity for students to practice their english, and a chance for us to share the gospel. It works out quite beautifully =)
Here is one of my teammates, Amy, sharing her testimony to a group of Sophmore students. It was a powerful time, and in the course of two days, over 110 students heard about God's love.
Here I am leading a discussion group after two of my teammates shared their testimony in front of a class full of students. I was able to share some of my testimony, and have some beautiful talks with many students who opened up and shared a bit of their hearts. At one point, I had to hold back tears, as one student (unknowingly) admitted that he desired unconditional love, greater than anything he had ever been able to 'earn.' He really wanted to just be loved for who he was. To tell him about the love of God at that moment was... beyond words. Pray for Jembae.

And finally, this is fun, I got to see my friend Andy yesterday. He is on staff with Crusade as a STINTer in Nagoya (one of the 3 largest cities in Japan) and among the first team of Australian STINTers to Japan ever. I met Andy when I was in Australia a few years ago, and he stopped by when he was in the states. We have now spend time together on three different continents... so awesome! Pray for his team...they are reaching the lost in another part of Japan so desperate to hear of God's love.
Finally, my love to everyone who is reading this. God is doing some powerful things in my heart, and...I am experiencing Him in ways that are direct answers to prayer. The gratitude in my heart, and love for the lost... God has grown in my heart beyond my ability to express. This is what I want to do with the rest of my life... I can think of nothing else, nothing that even comes close to the passion I have for telling others about God's love.
Thank you all for your prayers!
Last night, after blogging, I had a wonderful time of prayer and reflection. It is amazing to me, because when I started to pray, I found amazing peace in my heart, and a curious absence of everything that has been making me anxious these last few weeks. It was beautiful. I am realizing the preciousness of God's love. Though I felt like the last few weeks were difficult, God's love proved stronger, more beautiful and faithful than even my greatest moments of hardship. I cannot believe how much He loves me. I remember praying a few nights ago, in the shower (great place for prayer... haha) asking God to please open my eyes to His love...
Sometimes when I think of God, the picture that comes into my heart is of a God who is big, strong, all powerful... and somewhat frightening. While those qualities can prove comforting, it is only through the realization that this God, more powerful than all else, loves me with a love as great as His power. I forget that.... a lot, but God is faithful to remind me, that I am loved... and precious. And, that quiets my heart, fills me with thankfulness, and makes me smile.
I am so thrilled to be sharing this love with students in Japan... most of whom do not even know this kind of love exists, aside from their dissapointment in relationships and life...and yet even in that, while they may desire or hope for something more... they do not know where to turn. But, God being so great and loving, has tenderly brought a group of students to them, just to let them know.
How great is our God.
Here are some pictures from the day my campus team went to ICU High School. This day turned out to be such a great blessing and I was encouraged beyond words at the responses of some of the students. I posted a more detailed blog a few days ago with more detailed stories.. but here are some pictures for those of you who have already read them.
And finally, this is fun, I got to see my friend Andy yesterday. He is on staff with Crusade as a STINTer in Nagoya (one of the 3 largest cities in Japan) and among the first team of Australian STINTers to Japan ever. I met Andy when I was in Australia a few years ago, and he stopped by when he was in the states. We have now spend time together on three different continents... so awesome! Pray for his team...they are reaching the lost in another part of Japan so desperate to hear of God's love.
Finally, my love to everyone who is reading this. God is doing some powerful things in my heart, and...I am experiencing Him in ways that are direct answers to prayer. The gratitude in my heart, and love for the lost... God has grown in my heart beyond my ability to express. This is what I want to do with the rest of my life... I can think of nothing else, nothing that even comes close to the passion I have for telling others about God's love.
Thank you all for your prayers!
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish
Today most of my team woke up at 4am (yes, you saw that right...) to go to Tsukiji Fish Market... one of the world's largest fish markets. Here is a little blurb I pulled off the internet....
Tokyo Central Wholesale Market handled 787,782 tons (2,888 tons a day) of marine products, 748 billion yen (2.8 billion yen a day) total in 1993. Some 450 kinds of fish are received; this figure is unparalleled in the world. Marine products sections are set up in three markets: Tsukiji, Ohta and Adachi. Above all Tsukiji Market, handling 87% of the total amount, is one of the biggest markets in the world.
Needles to say, it was an incredibly early morning... and I did not get more than 3hrs of sleep the night before... so a nap midway through the day proved to be a delightful treat. Here are some pictures...
So big! I could not get over the different sizes and varieties of fish at this market... this one had to be at least 5ft long... and some were so small, you could grab handfuls for mere pennies. There were brown, red, blue.... crazy...colors of fish in every shape imaginable...
Tokyo Central Wholesale Market handled 787,782 tons (2,888 tons a day) of marine products, 748 billion yen (2.8 billion yen a day) total in 1993. Some 450 kinds of fish are received; this figure is unparalleled in the world. Marine products sections are set up in three markets: Tsukiji, Ohta and Adachi. Above all Tsukiji Market, handling 87% of the total amount, is one of the biggest markets in the world.
Needles to say, it was an incredibly early morning... and I did not get more than 3hrs of sleep the night before... so a nap midway through the day proved to be a delightful treat. Here are some pictures...
If you would like to see more pictures, I have some albums up on facebook that I would be delighted for you to look through...
I will be blogging more tomorrow hopefully... thank you all for praying and for the encouraging comments!!!http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=115345&id=712908464&l=c866b6cdd8
Friday, June 5, 2009
Good Day
To everyone who prayed... it worked!! Today was such an encouraging day to me, even though it was incredibly early and long...
We woke up at about 6:15 and were at the train by 7:15, got to Musashisakai by 7:45 and ICU High School by 8:30am. Whew! We then went in, shared testimonies with two different classrooms, had discussions, passed out flyers, ate lunch and hosted an english discussion group, planned for the next week, debriefed, took stats, small nap, food, games and now... BED!
Okay so, in my last post I mentioned that my campus team got banned from one of our main schools. I knew that God was doing something big, and was excited, but slightly overwhelmed as everything got thrown up into the air... Well... God did have something awesome planned.
Today, instead of going to ICU Univeristy, we were able to go to ICU High School, and share our testimonies and have AWESOME discussion times. We reached out to over 112 students today, each of them hearing multiple testimonies, and partaking in discussion groups we were able to lead. At one point, after sharing a part of my testimony that involved me explaining how I used to always feel the need to do things for people in order to make them like/love me... and how I had carried that over to God (to discover He loves me the way I am because of Christ) one of the sophomore guys in one of my groups opened up and said he felt the same way alot (this took a lot of bravery, he was the only guy in the group, had to have his feelings translated by one of his classmates, a cute girl, and hello... Japanese don't share their feelings... really... and did you in Highschool?!) I had to hold back tears. Some of the other girls in the same group asked really probing questions and worked really hard to make sure I was undestanding them so they could get the right answers... it was AMAZING!!
Honestly, I could do this the rest of my life... its going to be really hard to go home.
Also... on Monday (not sure if I blogged this or not...) I had an AWESOME discussion with a student on Gaidai University, and she and I are going out to lunch on Monday. She is really excited, and also really opened up to me. I told her part of my testimony about how I delt with not having a boyfriend, how God filled that place in my heart, and how I got to that point (through high school and daily prayer...) it was sweeeeet. She opened up to me about that portion of her life and like... wow. Its amazing to me how many different aspects to my testimony there are.... like, I never knew... but God is showing me that He had a plan for everything in my life that I have ever walked through/struggled through.
Its a good reminder, even as I wrestle through things now, to know that one day God will/could use them to bring people to himself. Its a worthy cause to suffer for.
Okay, pray I go home.. haha, just kidding. Seriously though... come to Japan... it will be so hard, so rewarding, so tiring and SO WORTH IT.
Love you all
ps. one of my contacts at ICU that I am no longer able to visit emailed me and said she still REALLY wanted to get together...
its going to suck leaving all these friendships behind... gah.
We woke up at about 6:15 and were at the train by 7:15, got to Musashisakai by 7:45 and ICU High School by 8:30am. Whew! We then went in, shared testimonies with two different classrooms, had discussions, passed out flyers, ate lunch and hosted an english discussion group, planned for the next week, debriefed, took stats, small nap, food, games and now... BED!
Okay so, in my last post I mentioned that my campus team got banned from one of our main schools. I knew that God was doing something big, and was excited, but slightly overwhelmed as everything got thrown up into the air... Well... God did have something awesome planned.
Today, instead of going to ICU Univeristy, we were able to go to ICU High School, and share our testimonies and have AWESOME discussion times. We reached out to over 112 students today, each of them hearing multiple testimonies, and partaking in discussion groups we were able to lead. At one point, after sharing a part of my testimony that involved me explaining how I used to always feel the need to do things for people in order to make them like/love me... and how I had carried that over to God (to discover He loves me the way I am because of Christ) one of the sophomore guys in one of my groups opened up and said he felt the same way alot (this took a lot of bravery, he was the only guy in the group, had to have his feelings translated by one of his classmates, a cute girl, and hello... Japanese don't share their feelings... really... and did you in Highschool?!) I had to hold back tears. Some of the other girls in the same group asked really probing questions and worked really hard to make sure I was undestanding them so they could get the right answers... it was AMAZING!!
Honestly, I could do this the rest of my life... its going to be really hard to go home.
Also... on Monday (not sure if I blogged this or not...) I had an AWESOME discussion with a student on Gaidai University, and she and I are going out to lunch on Monday. She is really excited, and also really opened up to me. I told her part of my testimony about how I delt with not having a boyfriend, how God filled that place in my heart, and how I got to that point (through high school and daily prayer...) it was sweeeeet. She opened up to me about that portion of her life and like... wow. Its amazing to me how many different aspects to my testimony there are.... like, I never knew... but God is showing me that He had a plan for everything in my life that I have ever walked through/struggled through.
Its a good reminder, even as I wrestle through things now, to know that one day God will/could use them to bring people to himself. Its a worthy cause to suffer for.
Okay, pray I go home.. haha, just kidding. Seriously though... come to Japan... it will be so hard, so rewarding, so tiring and SO WORTH IT.
Love you all
ps. one of my contacts at ICU that I am no longer able to visit emailed me and said she still REALLY wanted to get together...
its going to suck leaving all these friendships behind... gah.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Prayer Needed
Hey everyone,
Okay so... we found out today that my team has been forbidden to set foot on one of the campuses we are doing ministry on. The authorities on that campus have been watching us, and know who the students we are talking to and who are involved with Student Impact are... and have threatened to not allow them to graduate should our activity on campus continue. The campus team I am co-leading has taken this hard.. but good. We are seeing the effects of the gospel in a way none of us really expected, and while it is exciting to be in the midst of the movement, the fact that we will no longer be able to spend time with those who we were building relationships with is.... hard. We are going to be trying to email students whose contact information we have.... but we are not able to go to them, and will have to ask them to meet us off campus.
The student leaders, one in particular, is taking this very hard, and I would ask that right now you lift him up in your prayers, as well as the few other Christians on campus to whom this news might discourage. Our team has been re-directed temporarily to a high school and will be involved with an event that was already scheduled to take place.... God is good.
This, as well as the rest of the trip and all it holds has proven stressful at times, and there are a few other things that need to be lifted up in prayer as well. It seems as if the devil is attacking the girl leaders right now.... expressed through physical hindrances.
The co-leader of the other campus team had to have a minor operation to drain an abscessed cyst at the end of her tailbone, which not only made the 11+ hour flight incredible uncomfortable, but has proven to affect her health, and kept her in bed almost the entire trip with a cold, fever, and other signs of infection. Thankfully she was able to go to a doctor today, and I will be going with her for a follow up visit tomorrow.
The co-leader of our trip, and the girls leader, Heather, experienced excruciating pain in her back tonight that left her stumbling in the door, crying and unable to move. She is doing better now, but... just pray for her....
And... as much as I don't want to include myself in this list, I just honestly need prayer for my back and shoulders as well. I have been experiencing horrible pain in my shoulders and neck in the form of muscle spasms and cramps. Its very sharp, and constant, and I can feel it pulling all the way down my back, into my arms and at times into my face. I have been getting some lovely back massages from my roommates, but it is extremely uncomfortable, and carrying a back-pack or purse around on campus has proved.... really painful. Ugh, I don't want to complain, but I really need prayer.
Obviously the devil is scared, and God is allowing our faith to grow... He is merciful and faithful beyond our knowledge, and the peace and wisdom he has is beyond understanding... something incredibly comforting in all of this. If you could please just pray for the three guy leaders, that they would not experience anymore opposition... one of them broke out entirely in an itchy rash all over his whole body... and the other two... I just pray they would find strength.
In all of this however, we are experiencing much joy! One of my teammates led someone to Christ today!! The gospel was shared thoroughly to at least two interested students, and friendships were formed that could potentially carry the gospel to open hearts. It was such an encouraging day for me today... and although I am so exhausted emotionally from everything that is going on... God in His mercy has allowed me to take the day off tomorrow, and instead of going on campus, I will be spending time with Jess as she and I make our way to the doctors again. We will be traveling on multiple trains, and the trip takes well over an hour, so be in prayer for that as well.
Love you all... pray for us, but rest in the Faithful, Merciful hands of God, because He cares for you =)
ps. I got to experience being completely packed into a train tonight, and it was really fun and exciting. We got on, and just when I thought the train was full, they started pushing people in.... more.. and more... and more. I could not move AT ALL, and I have never been that crowded in my life.... but it was kind of fun.... haha, and such an awesome experience!
Okay so... we found out today that my team has been forbidden to set foot on one of the campuses we are doing ministry on. The authorities on that campus have been watching us, and know who the students we are talking to and who are involved with Student Impact are... and have threatened to not allow them to graduate should our activity on campus continue. The campus team I am co-leading has taken this hard.. but good. We are seeing the effects of the gospel in a way none of us really expected, and while it is exciting to be in the midst of the movement, the fact that we will no longer be able to spend time with those who we were building relationships with is.... hard. We are going to be trying to email students whose contact information we have.... but we are not able to go to them, and will have to ask them to meet us off campus.
The student leaders, one in particular, is taking this very hard, and I would ask that right now you lift him up in your prayers, as well as the few other Christians on campus to whom this news might discourage. Our team has been re-directed temporarily to a high school and will be involved with an event that was already scheduled to take place.... God is good.
This, as well as the rest of the trip and all it holds has proven stressful at times, and there are a few other things that need to be lifted up in prayer as well. It seems as if the devil is attacking the girl leaders right now.... expressed through physical hindrances.
The co-leader of the other campus team had to have a minor operation to drain an abscessed cyst at the end of her tailbone, which not only made the 11+ hour flight incredible uncomfortable, but has proven to affect her health, and kept her in bed almost the entire trip with a cold, fever, and other signs of infection. Thankfully she was able to go to a doctor today, and I will be going with her for a follow up visit tomorrow.
The co-leader of our trip, and the girls leader, Heather, experienced excruciating pain in her back tonight that left her stumbling in the door, crying and unable to move. She is doing better now, but... just pray for her....
And... as much as I don't want to include myself in this list, I just honestly need prayer for my back and shoulders as well. I have been experiencing horrible pain in my shoulders and neck in the form of muscle spasms and cramps. Its very sharp, and constant, and I can feel it pulling all the way down my back, into my arms and at times into my face. I have been getting some lovely back massages from my roommates, but it is extremely uncomfortable, and carrying a back-pack or purse around on campus has proved.... really painful. Ugh, I don't want to complain, but I really need prayer.
Obviously the devil is scared, and God is allowing our faith to grow... He is merciful and faithful beyond our knowledge, and the peace and wisdom he has is beyond understanding... something incredibly comforting in all of this. If you could please just pray for the three guy leaders, that they would not experience anymore opposition... one of them broke out entirely in an itchy rash all over his whole body... and the other two... I just pray they would find strength.
In all of this however, we are experiencing much joy! One of my teammates led someone to Christ today!! The gospel was shared thoroughly to at least two interested students, and friendships were formed that could potentially carry the gospel to open hearts. It was such an encouraging day for me today... and although I am so exhausted emotionally from everything that is going on... God in His mercy has allowed me to take the day off tomorrow, and instead of going on campus, I will be spending time with Jess as she and I make our way to the doctors again. We will be traveling on multiple trains, and the trip takes well over an hour, so be in prayer for that as well.
Love you all... pray for us, but rest in the Faithful, Merciful hands of God, because He cares for you =)
ps. I got to experience being completely packed into a train tonight, and it was really fun and exciting. We got on, and just when I thought the train was full, they started pushing people in.... more.. and more... and more. I could not move AT ALL, and I have never been that crowded in my life.... but it was kind of fun.... haha, and such an awesome experience!
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